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Visitors information

Welcome to the 2025 Mannamót – Natural Iceland Tourism Workshop! 

Mannamót is an annual event held in Reykjavík, Iceland. It is hosted by six marketing offices around the country, Eagle Air Airline, and Isavia, the Icelandic airport operator. The event takes place on Thursday, January 16th, 2025, from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The location is Kórinn Sportshall, in the municipality of Kópavogur.

Mannamót is intended as a presentation platform for tourism companies from the countryside and an opportunity to bring together professionals in the industry. The purpose is to introduce rural businesses to tourism operators located across the country and from abroad. Iceland has a lot to offer, and Mannamót helps to form and strengthen relationships within the tourism industry. Visitors to Mannamót have the opportunity to get to know what different parts of the country have to offer with a focus on winter tourism services.

If you are involved in tourism or fall into one of the categories below, we welcome you warmly. The following people would benefit from this information: 

  • Staff members of travel agencies and tour operators
  • Personnel working at information and booking centers
  • Guides
  • Students studying guiding and tourism, as well as their teachers
  • Personnel working in airline customer service centers
  • Sales and promotion personnel of airlines
  • Staff at the receptions of hotels and guesthouses
  • The media
  • Public institutions, such as Íslandstofa, the Tourism Office, the Ministry of Employment and Innovation, the Ministry of the Interior, the Transport Agency, and Isavia.

There is no entrance fee for visitors to the exhibition, but it is good to register so that we can assess attendance and be ready to welcome you.


  • Exhibition open for sales and service guests: 12:00 - 14:00
  • Exhibition open for guests: 12:00 - 17:00

Remember to bring your reusable water bottles and coffee mugs.

The regional offices encourage all tourism companies to participate in Mannamót and take advantage of the opportunity to promote their business. This is a unique opportunity to strengthen relationships with existing customers, gain new ones, and get acquainted with affiliates across the country.

Mannamót specialty is to promote companies of all sizes and models, old and new, from all over Iceland. The installation and facilities are raw, and informal and give a good impression of the special features of the areas and have worked well to attract guests and exhibitors. The Marketing Centres make a survey after each exhibition, where participants are given the opportunity to submit their opinions. We do our best to customize the service and organization at any given time to the comments and suggestions from the survey. 

Looking forward to having a great day with you at Mannamót 2025!